Northern Minnesota Snowmobiling
Grand Portage
Maps and Trail Information
Minnesota State
Snowmobile Trail Permit is NOT needed for trails on Grand Portage Native
Lands, these trails are shown in orange below.

There are two maps available for the Grand
Portage Snowmobile Trail system.
One is the same one as above and the other has
the connection from the Gunflint Snowmobile Trail System.
Go to Grand Portage Maps.
Maps are available to
download below or are available at most SuperAmerica, Holiday Station
Stores, and Info Centers.
best place to park is at the trailhead at Mineral Center / Trail Center [
black dot on map ] or at
the Lodge / Casino. Take Hwy 61 through Grand Marais 30 miles to County Road
17 to trailhead, or 31 miles from Grand Marais to Lodge / Casino. The trail
leading to / out from the Lodge / Casino is a south facing slope close to
Lake Superior, prone to late season melt. Stay away from the Old Hwy 61
section of County Road 17... this is so rough and full of frost heaves. You
will see a County Road 17 sign about 7 miles before the actual turn onto the
County Road 17 we recommend, this is Old Hwy 61.
Images of trails from late March
and April 02, 2006.